Thursday, 22 August 2024 14:34

Legion Donates $1,800 from Canada Day Bingo to CT Scanner Crossroads Campaign

An extremely successful Bingo held on Canada Day at the Kemptville Legion, Branch 212, resulted in an $1,800 donation to the Kemptville District Hospital Foundation’s CT Scanner Crossroads Campaign. A capacity crowd of 110 happy bingo players attended the afternoon Bingo.

Mike Amirault, Lottery Chair, along with his wife, Debbie, organized the well received event. He explained, “the support and strong turnout was all because of the cause: the CT Scanner. It just shows the enormous community support for this project.”

Mike and Debra, along with Legion President and Veteran, Jay Tousaw, recently presented the $1,800 cheque to Joanne Mavis, KDH Foundation Executive Director. She expressed her appreciation for the Bingo donation which also includes a contribution from Kemptville Legion Branch 212. She said, “We are so grateful for this gift to the Crossroads Campaign and the long-standing support from the Legion and the community. We are now closer to our goal and the finish line of $2.2 million.  We know that the CT Scanner will bring quality diagnostic service closer to home and peace of mind to patients and families.”

Mike and Debbie said the Legion intends to do this Canada Day Bingo annually in support of the hospital foundation.

For more information and stories about the CT Scanner Crossroads Campaign and how you can donate, see Kemptville District Hospital Foundation's Crossroads Campaign

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